Monday, July 6, 2009

os mandamentos da minha casa

Thou shall say “Hello!!”, “How are you?”, “Hoe gaat het met jou?” or some nice random variation of those upon your arrival at home;

Thou shall not slam the door when arriving early in the morning or for that matter, late in the evening or even in the afternoon;

Thou shall pick up ours and only ours garbage bin (and double check it) for the sake of not being sued by our lovely neighbours;

Thou shall leave your bike in the bike rack and not next to the neighbour’s big, grey, big and flawless Nissan Qashqai;

Thou shall not leave unwashed dishes, uneaten edible and post-edible artefacts all over the kitchen;

Thou shall not leave unattended belongings (e.g. hair dryers) all over the place;

Thou shall help on the cleaning tasks or request a permit of absence 13 months in advance;

Thou shall warn all the neighbours before having a party;

Thou shall invite all the housemates before having a party;

Thou shall bear in mind that this list is not as interesting as Mahmut’s.

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